Last Build: 05/16/19 3:39pm

Final Project Proposal

Students setup their final project website repository, as well as identify and describe a dataset for their final project.

Associated Assignments Project Proposal (Canvas Submission)

Repository Setup

The final project websites will be hosted using Github Pages. To get started, use the following Github Classroom link:

Once created, the Github repository will be located at:

The associated Github Pages website will be located at:

In both, replace username with your Github username. You do not have to use the template provided; feel free to change it.

Dataset Selection

Use the Resources page to identify a dataset. You are encouraged to find a dataset that matches your interests and/or helps support the mission of the university.

You need a dataset that is “just right” in size and complexity. It should have a mix of column types (numerical, categorical, date/time, latitude/longitude, etc.) and many rows. Some larger datasets can be filtered down to a subset manageable for interactive web visualizations, but avoid any “big data” datasets that require special processing to reduce in size.

Keep in mind you will need to produce somewhere between 3 to 4 distinct, interactive, complex visualizations of your dataset. Make sure you have a rich enough dataset to support that!

 You can change your dataset later if it ends up not working out, but you lose a significant amount of time and effort if you switch.

Website Requirements

For the project proposal, you must have drafts of the following sections complete:

  • Create an initial version of the Home/Landing Page as required for the final release (except for the optional demonstration video).

  • Create an initial version of the About Page as required for the final release. Include drafts of all the required sections.

  • Create an initial version of the Data and Processing Page as required for the final release. Include drafts of all the required sections.

These do not have to be the final versions of these pages; the content may change later. However, the more work you put in now, the less you will have to do later.


The proposal is due on April 2 at 12:15pm. You must submit a link in Canvas to a release of your website repository before the deadline. Name the release using the pattern v0.0.x where x starts at 0 and is incremented each time you make another release before the deadline.