
In this visualization we may be able to see the call type that SF Fire department receive during the past 5 years starting at 2014. The data have been filtered by month, more specifically September, October and November. The call type have been filtered by fire related type. Here we can see that during September the call types remain in the same range during the year, but we can see than even though this months doesn't present the higher during the year of calls, October and November are always higher than September. During the past five years the issue with the higher calls is Structure Fire, but since the dataset is a bit limited in the information we cannot assure that the reason is because the higher temperature in California that causes wildfires.


The biggest challenge was try to filter the call types by neighborhood in the stack bar, that's why that filtering was omited on the d3 visualization.


This code was inspired by the following websites:

  • Grouped Stacked Bar Chart
  • d3js clickable stacked bar chart
  • Multiline chart with filter