Project Theme
This project's theme is to explore the temperature changes across the world and to gather evidence to prove that
climate change is real. Climate change is a major issue faced by the world today, but some people believe that climate change is a hoax,
and others believe that it exists but not to a significant degree. So I believe, it is important to prove the existence of
climate change, which can make people think of its consequences.
The planned analysis topics include
- Compare average land temperature in countries for the years 1890 and 2010(GlobalLandTemperaturesByCountry.csv).
This Visualization will give a detailed view of the climate changes happening across the world.
We can analyze the data for each country and if majority of the countries show significant or notable change in the temperature,
it can be concluded as evidence of climate change.
- Compare the average land temperatures in the Earth, over the years 1755 to 2014(GlobalTemperatures.csv).
This visualization will analyze the changes in Earth's surface temperature over a century. This will also help us understand the climate
pattern in different months. If most of the months show significant increase in, we can conclude that Earth's temperatures are