San Francisco Fire Department Calls for Service (2016 - 2018)

The Data Vizards

Jordan's D3 Visualization 1


Number of Records axis represents the total amount of records for a quarter. Time difference axis is the difference between the call time and when help went on scene then I would aggregate the total of each quarter and used it to divide the difference to get a percent. It is also color coded by the top 4 call types with redish colors.


The idea is to show the response time for help to arrive on scene from when a call comes in. This was to see if there was any time discrepancy between different call types. Here we see structure fires in a couple quarters, that it took them much longer to arrive on scene from when the call initially came in.


Hovering over a dot and it will show you details such as the time difference and number of records in that quarter.


Scatterplot of iris by Janu Verma
Interactivity by @sjengle

Jordan's D3 Visualization 2


Time difference was used here for the y axis and the call type for the x axis. This was an aggregate of the total numbers of records by call type. The colors continued with the fire theme.


This is similar to the scatterplot, but instead of comparing results by quarter, we are comparing by the overall number of records, which gives a different perspective.


Hover over a rectangle and it will change the color of the bar and show you the time difference for that call type.


bar chart by @sjengle
Interactivity by @sjengle