Descriptions: This Visualization is on the world map and the intensity of the color shows the number of studnets. By moues over the countires, you can see the number of international students from that country in 2018 and 2019. This map is zoomable and by zooming shows the counries' name label.
Top 25 Countries/Field Of Study
Chart type: Stacked Bars
Encoding: The y-axis shows name of countries and the order is based on the total number of studends in the USA. The x-axis shows the the percentage from 0 to 100 percent.
Descriptions: This visualization shows percentage of international students studying in US in different fields of study.
The legends are showing different fildes of study (legends' y-axis shows the percentage of students in that filed)and by mouse over the legends or Bars the related data will be highlighted and the user can compare different countries, also at bottom right a bar chart will pop up which shows the top 5 countires based on the number of stuents in that field of study in the US.
Top 25 Countries/Academic Levels
Chart type: Bar Charts
Encoding: The y-axis is the totall number of students accodring acadmeic level. The x-axis shows name of countries and the order is based on the total number of studends in the USA.
Descriptions: Shows all total number of students according to their academic level and country of origin, the visualization is sorted in descending order based on the number of students.
Shows the data for China and India.
Chart type: Bar Charts
Encoding: The y-axis is the totall number of students accodring acadmeic level. The x-axis shows name of countries and the order is based on the total number of studends in the USA.
Descriptions: Shows all total number of students according to their academic level and country of origin, the visualization is sorted in descending order based on the number of students.
Shows the data for top 25 countries except for China and India.