SF Fire Call Logistics by Boom-Graph R&D

Samuel Escapa & Sameer Isaq

Our Project:

We are investigating whether the location of a particular incident affect the average response time, as well as analyzing what incident types each of these locations have.

We will analyze the data from the San Francisco Fire Department database where each row represents a particular incident since April 2000. Each of the database's entry contains the response time which is calculated by the initial call time and the first responders time arrival. With this data, we will visualize any differences in location treatment, and see what incidents are more prevalent in each Zipcode.

Please checkout our data processing page for a better understanding of the data we processed.

Our Visualizations:

About the Team:

Sameer Isaq
I am a third-year Computer Science student from the Bay Area.
I primarily have experience with backend work, but photography is a large hobby of mine and I am trying to transfer some of the artistic skills gained through photography to the world of frontend development.
Hope you enjoy!
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Samuel Escapa
Passionate learner and coder, explorer of the world! USF Class of 2020, Computer science.
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