SF Fire Call Logistics by Boom-Graph R&D: Average Response Time by Location

Samuel Escapa & Sameer Isaq

Prototype 1

Visualization 1

Filter by year

0 - 2 miles
2 miles - 4 miles
4+ miles
Filter by distance from downtown
Treasure Island
Specific locations


This visualization represents the average incident response time by zipcode, each of which the distance from downtown is calculated. The more red lines are closer to the center of San Francisco (the Financial District), while greener ones are further away. The stroke width is correlated with the number of incidents. You may select to view a particular year using the buttons above the graph, and display zipcodes that are closer, or further, from downtown using the buttons under the graph. It is encouraged to use these as trends from each year vary and the location of the incident demonstrates the increasing number of incidents in the city. The average response time is calculated by calculating the difference between the call time and on scene time. Any case that no emergency unit is sent, the incident is ignored.


With this visualization, we can see that year after year, downtown San Francisco has many more incidents than any other region in the city. This makes sense as the dangerous regions such as the Tenderloin are close to the city center. Further, we can see that even those have a very low response time, but the response time has been faster than average as the years go by. When filtering medium to large distance from downtown, we can see the response times vary a lot, regardless of the number of incidents. There is a particular region, Treasure Island, that suffers most from this. Clicking on this link will demonstrate this single region that despite having a low incident rate and being just 2 miles away from downtown, having a very high average response time. Lastly, scrolling through the years, you can see the increasing number of incidents in the city.


Data from: SF Fire Department Calls for Service.

About the Team

Sameer Isaq
I am a third-year Computer Science student from the Bay Area.
I primarily have experience with backend work, but photography is a large hobby of mine and I am trying to transfer some of the artistic skills gained through photography to the world of frontend development.
Hope you enjoy!
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Samuel Escapa
Passionate learner and coder, explorer of the world! USF Class of 2020, Computer science.
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