SF Fire Department Visualization: Lone Mountain/USF

Team Tony and Friends

John's Visualization


The visualization I use is an animated stacked area chart that firsts dispays each individual line seperately descending from December until January. The graph shows the number of recorded fires in the Lone Mountain/USF area per day for every month from the years 2009-2018. After one clicks on the animation, the graph will be sorted from the greatest total number of records for every month with highest value at the bottom. Hovering over a line before or after the animation will provide you with the Month name and total number of records.


This graph was intended to show you the total number of recorded outside and structure fires that occurred over the course of each month. These values are broken down over 31 days to illustrate the trends that occur throughout each month.


Credit for the block builder starter code can be found here
Credir for the legend starter code can be found here