Final Project - San Francisco Building Permits

Neal Siegrist

(Beta Release) Visualization 2 - New Building Permits in San Francisco by Neighborhood and Year



My goal for this visualization is to show the user the trend in new buildings permits for each neighborhood in San Francisco over the range from 1973 - 2019. Certain neighborhoods in San Francisco are known for high building development and this visualization provides further detail from visualization 1 and allows the user to see if this growth is consistent or if there are specific high and low years.

Planned Interactivity


This is a line chart representing the number of new building permits in San Francisco for each neighborhood by year. The y-axis is encoded using the number of new building permits and the x-axis is encoded by year with the range of January 1973 - April 2019. Each line has a color that corresponds to the legend color for each neighborhood.

Data Processing

From the original dataset I performed filtering to retrieve the dataset appropriate for this visualization. The column titled "permit type" was filtered for "2" only, which is "new construction wood frame". The column titled "Neighborhoods - Analysis Boundaries" also filters out all blank values so we have neighborhood names for all new construction permits. The data is from Novermber 20, 1973 to April 10, 2019. I rolled up the count of permits of type "2" to receive the count for each year from 1973 through 2019.