My goal for this visualization is to show the user the trend in new buildings permits for each neighborhood in San Francisco over the range from 1973 - 2019. Certain neighborhoods in San Francisco are known for high building development and this visualization provides further detail from visualization 1 and allows the user to see if this growth is consistent or if there are specific high and low years.
This is a line chart representing the number of new building permits in San Francisco for each neighborhood by year. The y-axis is encoded using the number of new building permits and the x-axis is encoded by year with the range of January 1973 - April 2019. Each line has a color that corresponds to the legend color for each neighborhood.
From the original dataset I performed filtering to retrieve the dataset appropriate for this visualization. The column titled "permit type" was filtered for "2" only, which is "new construction wood frame". The column titled "Neighborhoods - Analysis Boundaries" also filters out all blank values so we have neighborhood names for all new construction permits. The data is from Novermber 20, 1973 to April 10, 2019. I rolled up the count of permits of type "2" to receive the count for each year from 1973 through 2019.