As a person that has been very lucky to have traveled around the world, and being a person with multicultural roots, I have been very passionate about learning about other people's culture and stories that demonstrate our human nature of telling stories. As a person, I have developed to understand what other people do and in what they believe. I've come to realize about the privilege of living in a more established country, while in other parts of the world, people are malnutritioned or simply, in hunger. To think that 50% of the world population lives under $5.50 a day, already tells you a lot about the many countries that are suffering from proverty.
In one of my winter breaks, I had the opportunity to visit Cambodia in South East Asia, where I learned so much more about their culture and history. Being in a less stabilized region of the world, I understood much better and realized the reality - world proverty and hunger is still a huge problem.
In this project, I want to talk about world poverty and how different the world of these people is in these countries, where poverty is a reocurring problem, and see the metrics for hunger and pollution. What is important for me is to open up everyone's eyes and demonstrate the scale at which humans from all around the world are suffering. The lives we live here and most of the first-world countries is a quality of life of a minority.
Samuel Escapa
Passionate learner and coder, explorer of the world! USF Class of 2020, Computer science. I love attending and organizing hackathons, as well as meeting new people!
I chose this dataset and theme because I believe everyone in the world should have an opportunity to thrive, and not have their life destined by the place they are born. A lifegoal would be to solve world hunger
and expand opportunities to those who are unable to experience them.