This prototype displays a choropleth map over each county in California, where the color encoding is based on the violent crime rate per 1.000 people living in the county. The current prototype uses the average crime rate for all years 2000-2013, which allows us to get a quick overview of the county with the highest overall violent crime rates in our time period.
The goal of this visualization is to get a geographic understanding of the violent crimes rates in California. With the help of the interactive features, the reader will be able to see the change in the violent crime rate for specific counties, as well see what types of violent crimes that are the most common in the selected county. Its also important to mention the lie factor in the color scale, since it will be based on the highest violent crime rate of the selected year, so the same color may mean different rate values in different years.
These prototypes display a line chart over the violent crime rate evolution for a specific county, and the average crime rate for California. The x-axis represents the reportyear, and the y-axis represents the violent crime rate. The color encoding is based on the strata level name. The prototypes use the average crime rate for all years (2000-2013), and will be filtered based on user interactivity.
The goal for this visualization is to work together with the choropleth map, to provide some more detailed information about how a specific county has evolved over the years compared to the overall evolution of Californias violent crime rate. By enabling two different views of the violent crime rate, the user can decide wheater they are only interested in the overall evolution, or if they want to investigate the evolution of a specific violent crime type.