About the Data

Data and Processing

The data used in these visualizations was taken from SF Fire Department Calls for Service. The dataset excludes year 2019, in order to ensure our records are taken from full calendar years only.

Incidents in 2000 and 2018
These two graphs included all the incident call types in the years 2000 and 2018. This gave us 21 categorical rows with a range from 0 to 100,863 and 0 to 213,945 number of records, respectively.

Fire Incidents Per Year
The data used for this chart was filtered to only include incident call types that involved a fire, giving us 5 categorical rows of data to explore. Again, we only included data from years 2000 to 2018 which resulted in the usage of 19 categorical columns. Color was added to distinguish the call type group the incident belonged. The number of reported fire incidents ranged from 0 to 48,240 records.

Units Dispatched to Scene
This graph displays the various unit types dispatched to the scene for all incident types, therefore the number of columns included is 21. The rows used were all unit types, for a total of 10 rows. This graph was colored to highlight the incidents that involved fire and filtered to exclude year 2019.