

Below is the evolution of our prototypes through the creation of our final release. The initial prototypes are the set which we presented to our fellow peers for evaluation. After reading through our feedback and listening to our classmates, we decided to make some changes. Firstly, our audience thought that we were not portraying meaningful information through our graphs despite having a big dataset to work with. We also realized that our theme was not very cohesive, so we decided to go in a completely different direction. Our final prototypes are directed to convince and show our audience that the "Fire" in "Fire Department" is not indicative of the work that our firefighters do for us.

Initial Prototypes

Neighborhood Analysis

Neighborhood Medical Incidents

Neighborhood Traffic Collisions

Unit Type Analysis

Medical Incidents by Unit Type

Traffic Collisions by Unit Type

Monthly Report

Medical Incidents by Month

Traffic Collisions by Month

Final Prototypes

Incidents in 2000 and 2018

Incidents in 2000

Incidents in 2018

Incidents Per Year

Fire Incidents Per Year

Unit Types

Unit Types Dispatched to Scene