2000 and 2018 Incidents

Incidents by Call Type

Incidents in 2000
Incidents in 2018

The charts, "Incidents in 2000" and "Incidents in 2018" are comparing our oldest available full year of data in 2000 with our most current one in 2018. On our y-axis we have our different call types and on our x-axis we have the Number of Records in thousands. We can see the total number of records per year for each call type. The graph, "Incidents in 2000" ranges from 0 to 100,863 number of records while the graph "Incidents in 2018" ranges from 0 to 213,945 number of records. When you hover over each category, a box pops up with the call type's percentage of total call types.


In the year 2000 San Francisco’s 45 stations responded to almost 160,000 emergency calls. As you can see on my first graph, only about 18% were structure fires, 1.33 % were outside fires, and 0.54% were vehicle fires, giving a total of about 30,000 reported incidents involving fire. By 2018, total calls nearly doubled to over 310,000 while fire calls remained the same at about 32,000. The amount of structure fires decreased to 8.61%, only 1.48% were outside fires, and 0.34% were vehicle fires. And we now have two more fire categories added but their values were so small that the percentage of the total was 0.00%.


Inspiration from and credit to:
• Alan Dunning’s Horizontal Bar Chart with Tooltip D3 V4