

The above visualization is a Choropleth map of the United States. The map shows the avgerage percentage of homes in a given region with values that have decreased in the past year. The darker the blue color, the higher average percentage. The states black in color, do not have a percentage because the data is missing.


The visualization has a drop box that allows you to see the the data over time. It allows you to see the years 2013-2018. In addition, if you hover over the map, the percentage for the state and the state name will display.

Learning Outcomes

From this visualization, you can focus on one state over time and see how it changes. If we focus on California, we can see that it hasn't really changed throughout the years 2013-2018. The average percentage of homes decreasing in value has stayed at a low percentage.


Inspiration from and credit to:
• Jane Pong’s Heatmap with data update
• Bill Morris’s Modular US State Choropleth
• Alan Dunning’s Bar Chart with Tooltip D3 V4