Average Response Time

Nico Oshiro

Average Response Time per Month for Each Neighborhood in 2018


This is a multiple line graph that is depicting the Average Response Time per Month for Each Neighborhood in 2018. Each line in the chart represents the average response times for the fire department (in minutes) for that given neighborhood. When you hover over a line the neighborhood that it represents shows up on the chart and when you hover over a dot on the line the actual wait time is displayed.


This chart is interesting because you are able to see the difference in response time for different neighborhoods in San Francisco throughout the year. Some intriguing trends that you can see in the chart are some huge spikes in response time for multiple neighborhoods in the same month. For example, we can obviously see that the response times for Russian Hill, North Beach, and Chinatown all jump in the month of October. It's also interesting to note that some of these neighborhoods have a wide range of average response times. Russian Hill has the largest range of about 2 and a half minutes. In situations that could be life and death and every second counts the firefighters should be getting to the scene as soon as possible.


I gained inspiration from looking at the examples of d3noob, Romain Vuillemot, Zakaria Chowdhury, and Prof. Sophie Engle.