Data and Processing

We are looking at data provided by DataSF regarding the San Francisco Fire Department. The Fire Calls-For-Service dataset includes all fire units responses to calls. Each record includes the call number, incident number, address, unit identifier, call type, and disposition. All relevant time intervals are also included. We have filtered the data to only include the 2018 data for the Chinatown, Nob Hill, North Beach, Russian Hill, Tenderloin, and USF neighborhoods. After filtering, we were left with a dataset that contains 74,490 rows and 34 columns. The link to the data can be found here.

There was quite a bit or preprocessing that took place before we were able to prototype the data and code it in d3. For the Average Response Time per Month for Each Neighborhood chart, Nico created an R script that takes in the raw dataset and outputs a dataset that contains the mean wait time, median wait time, minimum wait time, maximum wait time, and count of calls per month for each neighborhood. The link to this R script can be found here.